Are You Ready for A Direct Mail Campaign?


Are You Ready for A Direct Mail Campaign?

There's a simple truth about direct mail marketing: it works. When you send your message through the mail, people are more likely to read, remember, and act on it.

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10 min. read
Home Estimate QR Code
8 min. read

Mailing Home Estimate QR Code Mailers in Non-Disclosure States

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about using the Home Estimate QR Code on marketing materials in non-disclosure states.

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First Class Mail
3 min. read

Is First Class Mail Faster Than Marketing Mail with the USPS?

Figure out when people use first-class mail versus marketing mail for their orders.

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Real Estate Prospecting
7 min. read

Six Ways Real Estate Agents Successfully Prospect For Clients

Follow these six real estate business prospecting ideas to increase outreach and generate leads.

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Four Real Estate Farm Prospecting Letter Templates
10 min. read

Four Real Estate Farm Prospecting Letter Templates

Use these letter templates to micro-target your real estate farm based on life events and other circumstances.

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Set & Forget Your Real Estate
5 min. read

Set And Forget Your Real Estate Marketing

Marketing shouldn’t be challenging. Make it easier with these four ways to automate your marketing!

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