The 7 Advantages of Sending a Home Estimate Postcard


The 7 Advantages of Sending a Home Estimate Postcard

Home Estimate postcards are some of our best-selling postcards. These postcards are incredibly effective and separate you from the competition.

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7 min. read
Generate More Leads with the Home Estimate Landing Page
11 min. read

Generate More Leads with the Home Estimate Landing Page

Here are six examples of different ways you can leverage this free technology provided to you with your print orders.

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What Is a Home Estimate Radius, and How Can I Update It?
4 min. read

What Is a Home Estimate Radius, and How Can I Update It?

Corefact lets you set and update your own Home Estimate radius. This is the radius for the comparable sales in regard to the Corefact Home Estimate tool.

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How to Edit the Comparable Sales Value Estimate
3 min. read

How to Edit the Comparable Sales Price Range

A floor and ceiling price can be specified to pull comparable sales from within particular value range.

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What Is a Mailing List Radius?
4 min. read

What Is a Mailing List Radius?

Corefact pulls a mailing list radius based on the number of homes around the subject property. You can set the mailing size; the minimum number of homes is 99.

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What Is a Home Value Alert?
1 min. read

What Is a Home Value Alert?

A home value alert informs you when a prospect has signed up to receive alerts. It also sends home value alerts to your prospects for you.

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